Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eradication of corruption must begin at home

In one of the Evening programs of DD-I, there was a short time for former President Abdul Kalam to tell a story for a group of acquisitive school Children. After he told the story he asked them to raise a valid question. Many hand hoisted up. From among them a girl asked the president: “How can we eradicate the corruption from our country?” The president smile and said, “in one sense it is indeed very easy to stop corruption. It is not as hard as you think. Because Corruption begins in the Home.

The epithet of corruption include bribery, dishonest, insulting, immoral and bad habit etc. It is devil that could destroy the life, family and society. As far as the good law of any country is concerned Corruption has no room at all point because Law is against it. However, Corruption seems to be above the law.

The attempt to root out the corruption by the law of our land or by any frontal organisation is likened to chasing the wind. Perhaps, it is interesting to know that bureaucrats are being prosecuted and arrested on the ground of involvement in fraudulent activities. But it does end there. The act of the upon the wicked people has become a panacea. Many of feel that no force is available to annihilate the corruption.

Where does the Corruption begin from? All of us have the tendency to think that corruption is committed only be bureaucrats or politicians. But it starts from the home where we dwell in with parents and siblings. Obviously we know that home is the institution headed by the parents. In every home, father and mother should make God first and teach the children that the fear of the Lord God is the beginning of wisdom.

A well-ordered and well-disciplined family begets well-ordered and well-disciplined children. A successful and happy home must have a foundation of faith in God and in true religion. Religion is needed in the home. Only this can protect and prevent the grievous wrongs which is so often embitter and perturb the peaceful life.

There is no truth neither religion in corruption. W.S. Arthur in his Book, Maker of the Home page 263:1-3 says, “the influence of a true religious home upon the community, upon the world is incalculable: the home makes society; it holds the destiny of the world in its hand”.

The statements, prophets, martyr and the Reformers of all the ages were trained and taught prayerfully by godly parents. The beginning of their power and justice flourished in their childhood home. The habits formed in childhood and youth have more influence for better or for worse. One of the prolific writers Ellen G. White wrote, “happy are the parents whose life are a true reflection of the Divine so that the promise and command of God awaken in the child may openly see and practice”.

In every religion of the world, the home is placed as the most vivid center for the empowerment of spiritual life. In the Bible it is recorded that Abraham the father of the nations pitched his tent, close beside it was set up his Altar, calling all within his encampment to the morning and the evening sacrifice, when his tent was removed the Altar remained.

Religious instructions should be given to children from their earliest years they are to be taught first in the home not in the Church, temple or Mosque. If this training is given as directed by the holy men of God, they will be encircled with the divine principle. Also careful note should be taken that the young are naturally inclined to feel that not much responsibility, caretaking or burden bearing is expected of them The Holy Scripture says, “Train up a child in the way he/she should go, when he/she is old he/she will turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6).

Again Ellen G. White says, “Retraction uplifting humanity begins in the home. The work of parents underlies every other. The well being of the society, the success of the Church, the prosperity of the nation depend on home influence”.
The home is to be a learning center of the true principle of life. It is not a training center of policy. A child whose parents influenced him/her into good character with the help of divine power cannot be overtaken by temporal power or peer pressure.

Morally corrupted parents begets cannot teach the children to be morally sound. Mammonists children shall have more easy chances to become mammonist. Often the things do within and without the home have tremendous impact on the children. What the parents do today is what the children will be doing. The bright future of the society tomorrow is to be determined by children of today. The Children’s life is like the red ember which is ever ready to burn up every thing that place on it.

In conclusion, let us not justify or rationalize but rather answer in our mind these questions:

1. Is moral conduct in the home and society acceptable in the sight of God?

2. Is your wealth legally earned or hoarded?

3. Is your home worldly oriented or spiritually acclimatized? Remember Corruption or Justice begins from home ......

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